Even if you’re not a marketing guru, you’ve probably noticed that major brands all have characters — Flo, Mayhem, and the various mascots of Geico — that feature prominently in both print and digital advertising. Commercials are an especially powerful …
What to Do When You Don’t Have a Mentor
Read any blog catered toward students, entrepreneurs, or professional artists, and you’ll come across an article advising you to get a mentor to help guide you through the trouble spots, boost your confidence, yadda yadda yadda.
Great! Simply approach someone …
Find Your True Purpose
Have you ever done an Ikigai? Pronounced “eye-ka-guy,” this Japanese system can help you find the points of connection among what you love, what you’re good at it, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for. It’s …
Do You Live for the Weekend?
Weekends are so quintessentially American that there is an entire subculture celebrating Friday: hashtags and memes, a horrible Rebecca Black song, and a restaurant chain.
This fondness for Friday stems from the traditional workweek, which emerged from the need to …
How to Create the Perfect Resumé
Ah, resumés, the necessary evil of the job search. They can make or break your search, and they’re remarkably easy to mess up. While many people have tried to break down the exact science of the perfect resumé, few have …
The Art of Selling Yourself Short
Here’s the secret about self-promotion: it’s not narcissistic to talk about yourself. I’m not advising that you lie about, embellish, or misrepresent your work, but it is important to portray yourself as an impressive person who is excited about what …
The Secret Power of Color-Coding
You’ve got a lot on your mind. Why not organize it in a way that taps into our neurological preferences?
Yes, the language and naming parts of our brains become more active when processing color categories, which means that …
How to Tell Your Story
Despite allegations that the American society is full of narcissists raised on a steady diet of Instagram and reality TV, most people feel a little apprehensive about talking about themselves. Starting from when we’re children, we’re socialized to speak only …
How to Use Journaling to Live Your Best Life
Find a notebook that inspires you.
Blank pages? Lined? Dotted? Gridded? All four? Your choice. Choose a book with delightful imagery that makes you want to use it regularly, or smear it with whimsical stickers. Most importantly, choose a size that’s …